"Jess Franco's Passion" is another deeply personal film from Jess Franco, and is a partial re-make of his 1982 film "Historia Sexual D'O (The Sexual Story of O), but "Passion" does not have the brutal SM present in the "O" film, though it does feature one ugly violent death. Like many of Jess' recent films, it is short of dialog, long on explicit lesbian love scenes, and contains much of the same soundtrack music featured in his other recent films, though this film has a couple of different tracks here and there. The music becomes almost vital since there is so little dialog, and the piano theme near the end of the film, played during a sex scene where Franco's camera is unbelievably close to his actresses' rear ends, is particularly spellbinding.
There are only four actresses in the cast, Fata Morgana King and Carmen Montes play the happy lesbians who are nude throughout the film's 99 minute running time. As I wrote in my review of Jess' companion film "Jess Franco's Perversion", these two women are practically sexual acrobats and their total exhibitionism rivals Lina Romay. Lina and Rachel Shepard play the unhappy lesbians, with Shepard spying on the happy women in the apartment across from theirs. Lina phones in her role in its entirety, and she has only three scenes, but as usual she makes the most of her time and she provides the only real acting in the film. She is very convincing in her brief appearances. Shepard is considerably better here than in other Franco films; however, all she has to do is be naked and look sad all the time. I won't give away the ending, which is not that shocking but certainly is dramatic and not to be expected in what is basically a lesbian porn film.
There are only four actresses in the cast, Fata Morgana King and Carmen Montes play the happy lesbians who are nude throughout the film's 99 minute running time. As I wrote in my review of Jess' companion film "Jess Franco's Perversion", these two women are practically sexual acrobats and their total exhibitionism rivals Lina Romay. Lina and Rachel Shepard play the unhappy lesbians, with Shepard spying on the happy women in the apartment across from theirs. Lina phones in her role in its entirety, and she has only three scenes, but as usual she makes the most of her time and she provides the only real acting in the film. She is very convincing in her brief appearances. Shepard is considerably better here than in other Franco films; however, all she has to do is be naked and look sad all the time. I won't give away the ending, which is not that shocking but certainly is dramatic and not to be expected in what is basically a lesbian porn film.
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